Sahel: The hostages are alive

By on September 27, 2010

The seven hostages abducted in Niger would be held in the desert between Mali and Algeria. The seven hostages are alive, and it is a local source from the far north of the country, involved of the case, that reported the information.

This Malian source has immediately informed the French authorities on Sunday, September 26. A Malian official was quoted as saying “If we want to move forward, we must avoid any military option, and we are pleased that France shares our opinion, he added. Mali has already said it will not accept any French troops on its territory, the official added.

Geographically, the hostages are almost located in the massif of Adrar-Timetrine. This is an area that covers part of north-eastern Mali and parts of the neighbouring Algeria. To make progress, Mali calls for the utmost discretion. The future steps now would be the official proof of life of the hostages, followed by a message. We will then know the demands of the kidnappers. From that moment, the mediators will begin long and difficult negotiations.

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