Ivory Coast: What future for Guillaume Soro?

By on October 27, 2010
The electoral process in the Ivory Coast looks to be well set to result in effective holding of the presidential elections next October 31st and the winner of the poll will be one of the three heavyweights of the Ivorian political scene.

It could be Alassane Ouattara, or Laurent Gbagbo Kudu, or Henry Konan Bedié; but the question remains the future of the current prime minister, Guillaume Soro Kigbafori. What will become of the former rebel after the presidential election? It is not the warm blood and boldness that lack the Secretary General of the New Forces (FN) since 2002, as he demonstrated most recently by persuading the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to adopt the computerized vote counting system instead of the manual one. Guillaume Soro has entered the national reconciliation government of Charles Konan Banny in 2003 as a Minister of Communications and became Prime Minister in March 2007 with the signing of the Ouagadougou political Agreement. Will he remain there after the elections? That will depend on whom of the three runners would be the winner. Anyway, Laurent Gbagbo seems more inclined to extend Soro. However the question remains: would he survive in this presidential? The answer will be known after the 31; meanwhile, he could convert himself to business as his old comrade Captain Wattao has done…

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