Former president Aristide of Haiti is leaving South Africa

By on March 20, 2011
aristide-outIn spite of a formal statement by U.S President Barack Obama, advising him not to return to Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the priest who turned out president, is believed to leave South Africa-where he was exiled since 2004- heading for Port-au-Prince, Haiti Capital, in the upcoming hours. A spokesman for the South African Government, Minister Collins Chabane confirmed the rumors about Aristide’s departure, and said that “We can’t hold him hostage if he wants to go” adding that Haiti has delivered to the former president a diplomatic passport a month ago.

A controversial figure, a former priest, Aristide was elected twice as president of Haiti, but did not complete either terms. The first time, a military coup ousted him from office and it was a US intervention that put him again in power in 1994. After Aristide was eventually re-elected years later, but had to flee a massive rebellion in 2004 aboard a U.S. plane.
A surprising support figure for Aristide has emerged in the last few days, popular American actor Danny Glover arrived in South Africa on Thursday and publicly stated that he would escort former president to his country, and said that he was surprised that Jean Claude Duvallier, former Haiti’s dictator, was allowed to return to his country, while Aristide’s retur, has created such a fuzz. Glover, who also chairs the NGO Transafrica Forum stated in the organisation’s website : “People of good conscience cannot be idle while a former dictator is able to return unhindered while a democratic leader who peacefully handed over power to another elected president is restricted from returning to his country by external forces.”

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