The Dangerous link: AQIM, from the Sahel to Libya

By on March 31, 2011
The Libyan Political instability could help strengthening   AQIM in the region and give it a golden opportunity for armament procurement. Its members have apparently already dug into the arms depots of Muammar Qaddafi and have even lent a hand to insurgents. Hence the need for a quick and fast intervention is more than needed.

In late February, when the challenge was gaining ground in Libya, Muammar Gaddafi accused the Libyan youth by already being drugged and, especially, being manipulated by Al Qaeda. By launching such a prosecution, the “Leader” probably hoped that the jihadists would join him and bring “more water to his mill”. And indeed, they (jihadists) did not want to visibly be overwhelmed by the events as it was the case in the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions.
Several newspapers and news sites have recently reported dangerous relationships between the Libyan insurgents and AQIM. According to security sources in Mali and Niger, quoted by AFP, Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) had recovered weapons after the looting by the rebels of Muammar Qaddafi’s ammunitions and armament deposits. The weekly News “Jeune Afrique” reported that the Chadian President, Idriss Deby, has shown deep concern about the Libyan revolution, which could be costly to the stability of the region.  Al-Qaeda fellows (AQIM) took advantage of looting arsenals in the rebel zone to stock up weapons.      
AQIM is poised to become the best equipped army in the region”, president Deby said.

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