Ivory Coast: UN and France in action

By on April 5, 2011
Alassane Ouattara forces resumed the offensive Monday, April 4, against the troops of Laurent Gbagbo in Abidjan, consolidated by an effective action of the UN military forces, as well as the “Locorne” French force there.

A column of dozens of vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns filled with pro-Ouattara soldiers entered in the Ivorian economic capital, leading to renewed fighting after a few days of relative calm. French helicopters and UN were then bombarding the palace and the residence of Laurent Gbagbo, as well as military camps of Agban and Akouédo, controlled by the pro-Gbagbo forces. France said it would allow the French army to participate in military operations, upon an urgent request of the United Union.
These military operations aim, according to the French presidency, to neutralize the heavy weapons used by Gbagbo’s forces against the population, in accordance with resolution 1975. The Licorne force has 1,650 men, recently consolidated by 150 troops to protect expatriates in the economic capital Abidjan. Toussaint Alain, Laurent Gbagbo adviser, denounced the “illegal acts” and an “assassination attempt” against Laurent Gbagbo, while Ouattara Camp is confirming his movements through four corridors to reach the plateau (center district of Abidjan) and Cocody (northern district). For its part the Quai d’Orsay confirmed the kidnapping of five people, including two French.

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