Energies must be focused on counter terrorism

By on May 24, 2011
In low developed countries, the authority’s System, even if performing, is isolated geographically, structurally and functionally from the populace. Thus, the management of “information and intelligence” and “proximity” of the representatives is absent.

Such environment provides “macro conditions” to terrorists to start and grow up. Over the last decades, we witnessed a powerful resurgence of this phenomenon in form of terrorist tactics. Terrorists (rebels, radical groups, Fundamentalists) are for the populace what the “Osmosis phenomena” is for the body. The first will exploit the mistakes and failures to mobilize the people against the state. The second enriches the body, as far as the alimentation is good, equilibrated and controlled; so should do and behave the authority. If not and as the cancer spread over the body when it is not treated, terrorism had done the same thing, and succeeded in weakening down the social system chain by disseminating ideals and succeeding  in drifting the populace that gives the terrorist groups the support, the recruits, and mainly the success they need to survive. From the other side, the elements that had joined the terrorist groups also meet their individual needs – to belong to a group, to acquire social status and reputation, to find comradeship or excitement, and gain material benefits. So, let’s imagine that states will realize that giving a respectful hearing to disenchanted people, who live in the margins of societies, could be an enormous tool against the core of terrorism, but also stay alert and do all what must be collectively done to “Drain the swamp, and the mosquitoes will disappear”. For doing so, authorities are summed to take decisive steps in addressing extremists from outside their countries. And that’s why there is need for the passage from anti-terrorism to counter-terrorism legislation to protect each country. This objective will be reached only under integration and coordination of efforts, within a consolidated strategy.

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