The King of Morocco Chairs In Abidjan Ceremony Of Naming A Motorway After Him

By on March 1, 2014

The Moroccan King Mohammed VI, accompanied by Ivorian Prime Minister Daniel Kablan Duncan, chaired, on Friday in Abidjan, the ceremony of naming a motorway after the sovereign.

On this occasion, Mohammed VI and Daniel Kablan Duncan unveiled the commemorative plaque of the Abobo-Anyama motorway which is now bearing the name of HM King Mohammed VI.

 Named “Mohammed VI Motorway”, this road stretches over 4.6 kilometers and is used, on a daily basis, by 500,000 people. It links towns populated by over two million inhabitants.

 The “Mohammed VI Motorway”, which will be restored by June 2014, will improve the living and transportation conditions in the communes of Abobo and Anyama, make the traffic flow more fluid on this section by increasing speed from 30 to 60 km/h and reduce vehicle exploitation cost

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