Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency classified Tindouf Camps as insecure area and place of frequent kidnappings.

By on July 23, 2014

The Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency has made public the 2014 its report on terrorism ( Kokusai Terrorismu Youran 2014) published under the supervision of the Ministry of justice.

The 2014 edition which is an extension of the 2013 report, classified Tindouf Camps as insecure area and place of frequent kidnappings.

Similarly, In the version of 2013 of the same report , there is a whole  chapter on the activities of AQIM (Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb) in North Africa and other areas in the Sahel region , including terrorist groups  in Mali.

The report has unveiled last year existing connections between Polisario, AQAP (Al- Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) and AQIM (Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb).

Contrary to the fact that the Polisario Front constantly denies the suspicious connections with Al- Qaeda , the report in 2013 stated  evidently in page 56 that :

“It is noted that AQIM has alliances with AQAP (Al- Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) and the Polisario Front in Algeria.

The report highlights as well that the GICM (Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group), the LIFG ( Libyan Islamic Fighting Group ) and TCG ( Tunisian Combatant Group ) have sent fighters  to AQIM . “

The report emphasizes furthermore the frequency of kidnappings of foreign tourists in the Sahara desert, and the exchange of hostages against mony.

It is remarkable to note that the 2011 edition of this report has classified as well the front of Polisario as a terrorist organization.

The report is issued by the Public Security Intelligence Agency (koanchosa-cho) which is the national intelligence agency of Japan. The Agency is administered by the Ministry of Justice, and is tasked with internal security and espionage against threats to Japanese national security based on the Subversive Activities Prevention Act.

As the national agency is entrusted to collect intelligence information, the PSIA contributes to Japanese government policy by providing relevant organizations with necessary foreign and domestic data (collected through investigations and intelligence activities) on subversive organizations. It’s also known that the PSIA is responsible for conducting surveillance and intelligence-related work on Japanese soil

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