Joe Biden: Extensive talks with The King Mohammed VI

By on November 19, 2014

Vice President Joe Biden arrives on Wednesday in Morocco, where he and King Mohammed VI will discuss “the range of issues in the strategic partnership between the United States and Morocco,” a senior Obama administration official said on Tuesday.

“Morocco is a very important partner in the anti-ISIL coalition, and the Vice President will discuss with the King the ongoing mission of the coalition in Iraq and Syria,” the official said in a conference call to preview Biden’s trip to Morocco, Ukraine and Turkey.

Biden will also “be eager to hear the King’s thoughts on the broader efforts to counter violent extremism, an area where Morocco has a lot of experience,” the official said. The Vice President will also underscore U.S. support for Morocco’s efforts to achieve progress and stability through political and economic reform, the official said. Since the beginning of the Arab Spring, Morocco has been “kind of at the leading edge of getting out in front of regional unrest through political reform efforts,” the official said.

On Thursday, Biden will deliver the keynote address at the fifth Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Marrakesh. This is the fifth Global Entrepreneurship Summit since President Barack Obama first announced the program in his Cairo speech in 2009.

After visiting Ukraine for talks with President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Aresniy Yatsenyuk, Biden will arrive on Friday evening in Istanbul for a “working dinner” with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the official said.

On Saturday, the Vice President will address an economic and energy summit hosted by the Atlantic Council, then have an “extended” meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the official said.

The agenda for Biden’s discussions with Davutoglu and Erdogan will include “cooperation in fighting ISIL in Syria and Iraq; coping with the humanitarian crisis caused by the conflicts on the other side of Turkey’s southern border; countering the threat posed by foreign fighters; promoting the Cyprus settlement process,” and other regional issues, the official said.

At the Atlantic Council Economic and Energy Summit, Biden “will speak about some of the challenges to our strategic vision of a Europe that is whole, free and at peace — including security, political, economic — and in this context, energy security — challenges,” the official said

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