Islamists of Libya’s Darna form coalition to face army attacks

By on December 14, 2014

The formation of “Shura Council of the Mujahedeen of Darna” was announced on Friday to include various Jihadist fighters against any attacks of the army and forces of major general Khalifa Haftar, local media reported on Saturday.

The armed Islamists on Friday staged a large military rally showing machinery and fighters carrying black flags in various parts of the city, announcing the formation of the council, local media reported.

“The sons and rebels of the city gathered and unified to face the enemy for the sake of fairness and to support the oppressed,” a statement by the newly formed council said.

“Everyone saw the devastation of the institutions, the demolition of houses and burning of mosques and universities at the hands of the outrageous followers of Haftar in the stricken Benghazi,” it said.

The council also announced its support for Islamist militants of Benghazi.

The Islamist militants, including Ansar al-Sharia militia, announced the formation of the “Shura Council of the Benghazi rebels” to fight Haftar’s forces after the army commander announced the military operation “Libyan Dignity” on May 16, which he said aims to eradicate “terrorism from the country.”

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