Moroccan Court Sentences Algerian Man to Ten Years for Terrorism

By on June 11, 2015

The criminal court for terrorism affairs at the annex of the Salé’s appeal court sentenced, on Thursday, an Algerian national sued on terrorism-related charges to ten years in prison with no remission and his deportation from the national territory after serving his time.

The convict was sued for forming a gang to prepare for and perpetrate terrorist acts, possessing and carrying explosives and weapons and using them contrary to the law as part of a project aimed at seriously undermining public order, defending terrorism, incitement to commit terrorist acts and illegal entry into the national territory.

The national squad of the judiciary police had arrested last January this individual in possession of large quality of hazardous substances used in manufacturing explosives. He was remanded in custody in February in Salé’s local prison after the completion of the investigation.

The Interior ministry had announced that the judiciary police apprehended an Algerian national suspected of belonging to “Jund Al Khalifa” terrorist group which was operating in Algeria and which claimed the killing of French hostage Hervé Gourdel.

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